Current Order Status

Current Order Wait Time: Orders Temporarily Suspended

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Last Christmas Order

It's a little bitter sweet sending out the last sign for Christmas. I spend so much time on each one of these, I feel like there is a piece of myself in each one. I think TerBo turned out exceptionally well, the darker tones really set it apart from the others I have done. 
Since this is the last order, you can expect the posts to thin out for the next bit, I just need to take a breather over the Holiday. Thank you all so much for the support and interest. 

S.H. Carving wishes all of you an excellent holiday season and a Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 16, 2011


This also had the high gloss finish. It was made for Luke Scott who did the work of designing my logo. If anyone is interested in hiring him out for private work, let me know and I will be more than happy to put you in contact with him.

Although it looks black, the sign is actually purple.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I tried a new high gloss as the final coat this time around and I'm pleased with the result. This turned out great.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Business Cards!

After a long wait, the cards finally came! These will be going out with all orders and be used for general publicizing.
I think they turned out great! It was well worth the wait!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Out of my hands

Yesterday I was able to drop off Grandma and Petty for coloring and finishing. They turned out alright, but I still feel like I have room to improve on the coloring. They'll hopefully be done with the second or third coats by the end of Monday or beginning of Tuesday. Check out some before and afters below.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Semester @ End

Things are going at a slower pace this week. I've been swamped with end of semester assignments and projects, but will have a few days of downtime so I can get caught up again. Here is a picture I took a few days ago, just to hold you all over.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dropped the Ball, back on the Wagon

Things kind of fell apart this weekend in terms of my schedule so I didn't get everything done that I wanted. (Which happens more often than not) But I'm back on the horse, and need to get as much done as I can before I have finals week (next week).

Thursday, December 1, 2011

When you thought there couldn't be more!

I guess I should get this out first, I'm doing this one for myself. (If you hadn't noticed already) It isn't anywhere near a high priority, I just had spare time at work and used it to finish cutting this one out. This is more or less me trying to stay on top of my "content related" posts every-other-day thing. 

Fear not, I do have some big plans for this weekend, which should lead to something interesting to look at.